An empty money clip and a phone
Immediately the scene opened, Gekko was released from the prison and he has given an empty money clip and a cell phone. He had no one waiting for him after being released from the prison.
C - definitely not the case, it's very common in Mali
B - also not the case, it's not very common but it's not "unheard of"
As for A and D, it's problematic.
A - hm, this is also not really true, it would be better to call it that it's more common in the east and West and less common in the center
D- In Nigeria 25% of women undergo it, and it also recently banned it - it's not little and it's not "uncommon" but it's less than in other contries in teh region.
so both A and D are partially true, partially false, but I think that A is better than D because the some of the countries where FMG is most present, Mali and Egypt, are in the north and the southern counties have it less.
Option: to make a profit.
To make a profit was the primary reasons for the settlement of Jamestown in the New World. Jamestown became the first permanent English settlement in America, founded in 1607. The Virginia Company was responsible for establishing the first colony in America. In the 17th century, some of the European countries started sending settlers to the New World for generating wealth for the Empires. England also entered in the competition to increase wealth and power by expanding its empire in America.