The salaries increased, sometimes drastically some times slowly. An average worker in the 1900 had a salary between 256$ and $439 per year, while in 1929 the average salary was between 752$ and 1164$ per year. This all stopped and became much much worse when the great depression hit in the thirties which left the economy devastated.
Assumptions of Pure Monopoly Single Seller (Many Buyers) Heterogeneous good Perfect Information Barriers to Entry.
What Are Byzantine Icons? An icon is a work of art, typically of religious nature; derived from the Greek word eikōn, meaning 'image. ' The most common icons are of religious figures: ranging from Christ, the Virgin Mary, saints, or angels. ... This gesture is known as “she who points the way,” or the Virgin Hodegetria.
The answer is Emperor Hulagu. He sent wanted the Caliph (Al-Musta'sim) to demanded him to surrender the Capital. He promised to continue a governance and security to the land. However, Caliph (Al-Musta'sim), did not agree to Hulagu's terms and demands. T<span>he Caliph (Al Musta'sim) refused despite the weak military condition of his territory. Hulago made an embargo on Baghdad and soon entered the city and killed Abbasi caliph (Al-Musta'sim ).</span>
violates the First Amendments freedom of speech