There are four different lobes in the brain, first, the frontal lobe is important for things such as movement expressive language, and managing higher-level executive functions. executive functions refer to a collection of some cognitive skills like planning, organizing, initiating, self-monitor, and controlling one's response to achieve something or complete a goal. Second, you have the Parietal lobe, It is responsible for processing somatosensory information from the human body which includes things such as pain, touch, temperature, and the sense of the position of a limb like the temporal lobes are also responsible for integrating information from different modalities. Third, we have the temporal lobe they are also believed to have something to do with processing emotions language, and certain aspects of visual perception the dominant temporal lobe which is the left side for most people compared to the right is involved in the understanding of language like learning and remembering verbal information. finally, we have the occipital lobe which sits somewhere near the back of the head and is responsible for visual representation including color as well as form and motion damage to this particular lobe can result in difficulty finding objects in near and obvious places as well as difficulty with knowing and recognizing colors.
I hope I'm not too late and this helps you out
C because once you start you finish, also could be skipped if she was concerned about a heart attack
False race walking means you must have one on the ground
Prescription drugs
it’s when the doctor gives you medicine just for you
over-the counter drugs are also frequently abused
loss of appetite
a drug that causes hallucinations
some are extracted from plants or mushrooms
increase of heart rate
mood changes
psychoactive drug that primarily used for recreational energy,empathy,and pleasure
it has similar problems to people who use cocaine
drug cravings
benzodiazepine used to treat severe insomnia and assist with anesthesia
mostly teenagers and young adults uses it
loss of memory
biologically active organic compound with four arranged in a specific molecular configuration
they often misuse it for cycling
kidney problems
it’s a drugs that treats ADHD
they can take it by smoking,swallowing(pill),snorting,or injecting the power into water or alcohol
decreased appetite
Answer: it doubles and then quadruples