The French Revolution of 1789, while based on the ever-growing popular Enlightenment ideals put forth by philosophers such as Descartes, Voltaire, and Diderot, ultimately failed because the change in regime created a severe power vacuum. This allowed radicals to seize power and sow chaos within France.
it provided boundaries for future wester states
Is false (F)
On May 18, 1917, the Selective Service Act or the Selective Draft Act becomes law:
"All male citizens, or foreign non-enemy male persons who have declared their intention to become citizens" between the ages of 21 and 30, must register for military service.
Although there were conflicts and protests (New York and New Jersey), alleged draft evaders, pejoratively called "idlers," were arrested around the United States.
Supreme Court Rules Draft Constitutional (Jan. 7, 1918)
The recruitment system remained effective until May 1919 when selective service boards and state recruitment headquarters were closed.
An entrepreneur doesn't just work independently but also, his business involves innovation and leadership. An entrepreneur takes an idea, develops a business around it and manages it.
An entrepreneur is passionate, independent thinker, optimistic, self confident, focused and action oriented. it has the ability to overcome hardships. An entrepreneur is resourceful and problem solver.
Types of entrepreneurship includes small business, home based business, online business, inventors and life style interpreter.