The correct option is "a. There was no insurance so they would have to quit the job if the injury was severe."
During the Industrial Revolution in the nineteenth century, working conditions were dire and wages were misery., Working hours were from 12 to 13, even for children and jobs were repetitive and piecework. In the premises where the work was carried out there was no ventilation or hygiene, and the workers were crowded together with poorly installed machines. This circumstance caused explosions, accidents multiplied, the inhalation of toxic substances and the heat made the air unbreathable ... Thus, work became an unbearable task, with amputations of fingers and arms and many diseases were originated. It was a time of economic growth but the needs of the worker were ignored by system, and that the workers were considered vicious and responsible for this situation of bad life. And the worst is that this attitude was maintained during the nineteenth century and much of the twentieth. To eradicate this business situation, the Occupational Risk Prevention Laws were created.
B. The Seven Years' War had left Britain with a large debt.
Answer: Divide: 1/
: 1/
= 1/
· 3/
= 1 · 3/
2 · 1
= 3/
Dividing two fractions is the same as multiplying the first fraction by the reciprocal value of the second fraction. The first sub-step is to find the reciprocal (reverse the numerator and denominator, reciprocal of 1/
is 3/
) of the second fraction. Next, multiply the two numerators. Then, multiply the two denominators. In the following intermediate step, it cannot further simplify the fraction result by canceling.
In other words - one half divided by one third = three halfs.
Answer:La esclavitud fue practicada en la América británica desde el principio de la era colonial, y fue firmemente establecida cuando se firmó la Declaración de Independencia de los Estados Unidos. Tras esto, existió una expansión gradual de abolicionismo en el Norte, mientras la rápida expansión de la industria del algodón desde 1800 causó al Sur aferrarse fuertemente a la esclavitud, e intentar expandirla a los nuevos territorios occidentales del país. Así, la esclavitud polarizó la nación en estados esclavistas y estados libres mediante la línea Mason-Dixon, que separaba a Maryland (esclavista) y Pensilvania (libre).
What replaces steam? What new power source was developed in the late 1800s? In the late 1800s, a new power source—electricity—replaced steam as the dominant source of industrial power.