The first set of squares I am unsure about but, they both had gods, Montezuma ll was the last leader of Aztecs, Atahuallpa was the last leader of the Incas, Cusco, properly Qosqo in the Quechua language of the Inca is the capital city, Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztecs, Aztecs were violent and they had slaves, Inca was peaceful and did not have slaves, they were both in Mexico, three facts about the inca is The Incas created a highway and road system in Peru with over 18,000 miles of roads. The Incas had a type of postal system where relay messengers ran across rope bridges to deliver communications to the next team. The Incas performed successful skull surgeries, And three facts about the Aztecs They called themselves the Mexica. The Mexica originated from northern Mexico. They founded Tenochtitlan in 1325 AD. And Unsure about the last one sorry.
<span>Prostate cancer - Cancer of the prostate gland.</span>
<em>Because immigration is a natural process and a policy of open immigration avoid many of the problems, costs and negatives effects of illegal immigration.</em>
In a country with open immigration people will not use of fraud to get inside the country or to get work, that way the state doesn’t need to spend so much money in securing borders or investigating frauds and illegal workers.
With open immigration the immigrants are able to participate in the economy and pay taxes as other citizens, these increase the states income and the opportunity for investors, if they are illegal they can’t open a legal business, as happened in past with the Chinese’s for many years in US. Or they won’t need social welfare because they can have an income, that way they don’t have to be under the state’s support or be in custody in prisons.
They can also respond to law and have some responsibilities as other citizens without having all the native’s rights, this creates a more equal situation than when they are illegally immigrating.
The correct answer is B. Monetary gift
Monetary gift is a type of donation that involves transferring or giving money to an individual, a group of people, or an organization. This often means they can decide how to spend the money. Also, this differs from other types of donations such as donations of goods because this involves donating specific things such as food, clothes, or furniture; or from the donation of work/services because in this you give your time, skills, and effort.
A monetary gift is the type of donation the Social Concerns Committee made to the women's shelter because the committee gave this organization a check, which is equivalent to money. Also, to get the money they requested people to donate goods they later sold but in the end what the women's shelter receive was money.
The answer is Attachment influences
Attachment influences refers to the emotional connection that is formed from the relationship between caregiver and the children that make them felt the need to be near with one another. The attachment influences mainly created from the process of meeting demands and expectations from one another.