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Voting and canvassing
Voting is one sure way every single citizens in United States can be involved in the governance. It allow us to elect a representative that carried out our ideals within the government and steer the legislations to turn the country in our favor. You can always votes whether you live in urban or rural areas.
On top of voting, you can involved in political canvassing if you want to give more contribution to local politics. in political canvassing, you form a group and visit residents' house in order to try to influence them to choose a certain candidate.
Monroe Doctrine (1823) issued primarily to prevent European nations from future colonization in Latin America.
Rivers change the surface of the earth. They are the agents of erosion, deposition and transportation. When rivers flow, they erode the rock with them and strong current pushes them. ... After cutting, they carry the stone, pebbles and other solid things and when the current is slow, they deposit the load on the land.
I can tell you it is not less powerful than the executive. They are equal in power.