A hypothesis<span> is an idea that </span>can be tested<span> by an </span>experiment<span>-These ideas are based upon a person's </span>observations and<span> previous knowledge or experience. </span>
Brachii: H - It means of the arm.
Palmaris: H - It means of the palm of hands.
Longus : G - Longus means long
Brachio: C - It refers to origin on the upper arm.
Radialis: C - It refers to insertion on the radius of the forearm.
Pronator: A - Pronation is inward rotation of part of the body towards middle of the body.
Teres: B - meaning round or cylindrical shape
Deltoid: B - meaning triangular shape
Organization is important because the structure denotes the function in biology, therefore organization in this case means that it has a high relevance for homeostasis. If something is not organized, it's not in homeostasis, it's as simple as that.
Dioride, gabbro, granite - they're intrusice ingeour rocks.