<span>Las tres cosas que yo haría en el curso es poner atención durante las clases. Hacerle todas las preguntas que tenga sobre las dudas que tenga con respecto al curso al maestro. Por último utilizan el conocimiento obtenido en el curso para realizar un proyecto yo solo.<span>
Éste es la palabra que es un pronombre.
Answer: The first sentence is B. Le. The second sentence is C. Les. The third sentence is D. Te. The fourth sentence is A. Nos.
Explanation: The first sentence is Le because it is in the Usted form. The second sentence is Les because there are two people, and the answer needs to be plural. The third sentence is Te because it is in the tú form. The fourth sentence is Nos because a person plus yourself is in the nosotros form.
the answer is the first one ( se la )
se la
For this exercise it is necessary to answer cierto (true) or falso (false) according to the listening exercise.
This listening talks about some fact related to Laura and some events in her life. The main verbs of each sentence must be conjugated according to the tense. The verbs are saber (to now) to express knowledge or ability and conocer (to know or to meet) to express meeting or knowing someone
1. conocer in preterite conoció
2. saber in present for her sabe
3. saber in present for her sabe
4. saber in present for her sabe
5. saber in present for her sabe
6. conocer in present for her conoce
1. Jennifer conoció (met) a Laura en la escuela primaria. falso (Jennifer did not meet Laura at Elementary school)
2. Laura sabe hacer muchas cosas. cierto (Laura knows how to do a lot of things)
3. Laura sabe hablar alemán. falso (Laura does not know German)
4. Laura sabe buscar gangas. cierto (Laura knows how to look for discounts)
5. Laura sabe patinar en línea. cierto (Laura knows how to skate)
6. Laura conoce a algunos muchachos simpáticos. cierto (Laura knows some nice guys)