Typically something made in the process of making a completely different thing
Paris, and the meaning behind this is to show that they both honor and respect each other. That their love will kill the pity they feel. Their love will last forever.
The last one - the others imply that the rain is walking down the street
Answer choices:
Many- the phrase "very many makes sense.
A little- the phrase- "very a little" doesn't make sense.
A few- the phrase "very a few" doesn't make sense.
Some- the phrase "very some" doesn't make sense.
Less- the phrase "very less" doesn't make sense.
Fewer- the phrase "very fewer" doesn't make sense.
Several - the phrase "very several" doesn't make sense.
Much- the phrase "very much" makes sense.
However, taken in context, much is correct in this sentence.
We don’t get very many mail on Saturdays; most of it comes during the week.
We don’t get very much mail on Saturdays; most of it comes during the week.
answer: full time
Explanation: because this kind of employment is 30-40 hours per week