Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Analogy: The golgi apparatus is like the host or hostess because they "deliver" or seat the customers at a table. Function: This organelle acts as a storage unit, water or food, for the cell. Function: This organelle makes proteins to be EXPORTED.
Fish will eat tadpoles if they can get to them. The only way to stop them would be to give the tadpoles a space that the fish can't get to, like a shallow area with a barrier (plastic mesh would work but make sure the fish can't get caught in it) or lots of plants, or make a separate wildlife pond.
Red meat is rich in slow-twitch muscle fibers. The slow-twitch muscle fibers are rich in myoglobin and blood capillaries. They also have many large mitochondria to generate ATP by aerobic respiration.
These fibers are slow-twitch fibers as the ATPase in myosin head carries out the hydrolysis of ATP at a slower rate causing a slower contraction cycle.
Slow-twitch fibers appear red due to a large amount of myoglobin and a rich network of blood vessels. They are capable of prolonged contractions and are fatigue resistant.
a spider has 4 pairs of legs, since they have 8 legs