In terms of genetic variation, allelic richness (A) estimated through rarefaction resulted in 1.6–3.0 mean alleles per colony, and no private alleles were found. Mean genetic diversity (HE) was 0.525 (SD = 0.11), with values ranging from 0.276 (SD = 0.25) to 0.618 (SD = 0.09).
Utah prairie dog (Cynomys parvidens), and Mexican prairie dog (Cynomys mexicanus)—all of which may be considered rare (Hoogland 2006a). After 200 years of shootings, poisonings, conversion of habitat, and more recently plague, prairie dog numbers are a fraction of what they once were. Two of the species (Utah and Mexican) are listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Answer: There are few ‘laws’ in science. Those ‘laws’ are so named for historical reasons, but they are theoretical in nature. They set out what happens when a theory is applied in practice. A theory is simply the best explanation we have for understanding why some process takes place and predicting what the result will be.
Explanation: Anyone who describes something as “just a theory” does not understand what a theory is. Laws are arbitrary human rules. Theories are severely tested and re-tested explanations of why things happen in the real physical world and can be used to make predictions about outcomes.
Some would say that theories are about why something happens and laws (in science) describe what happens. But this simply makes a scientific ‘law’ a subset of a scientific theory, explaining how to make predictions.
The study of health and disease within a geographic context and from a spatial perspective is medical geography.
God bless!
The answer is hormones.
Two of the main systems that control almost every action in our body are our nervous system and endocrine system which have to have inner communications and communication with our brain.
As stated in the question, nervous system uses neurotransmitters for communication which are chemicals released by neurons to generate electrical signals that make the communication possible.
The main mean of communication that our endocrine system uses is substances that are called "Hormones" which are produced by certain glands and organs in our body and are usually released into our bloodstream to effect the functions of other organs and our body. Hormones can be used for both communication of the endocrine system itself and for the communication of other organs and our brain.
I hope this answer helps.