Genome mapping is used to identify and record the location of genes and the distances between genes on a chromosome. Genome mapping provided a critical starting point for the Human Genome Project. Sequenced DNA fragments can be aligned to the genome map to aid with the assembly of the genome.
By inducing mutations, scientists have been able to increase genetic variation, which breeders depend on to produce crops with desirable traits, such as resistance to diseases and insects. ... Mutations can be induced in a variety of ways, such as by exposure to ultraviolet or ionizing radiation or chemical mutagens.
The student is wrong, spermatozoa are germinal cells and therefore mitochondrial mutations (likewise genomic nuclear mutations) are inherited by offspring
Although the probabilities of inheriting a mutation from a single sperm cell are low, it since an organism produces millions of sperm cells throughout its life span, the mutations in the germinal cells (i.e., sperms and ovules) are inherited by offspring
The type of biodiversity been practiced is REFORESTATION .
Reforestation is the deliberate or natural process by which destroyed plants are re-planted in a particular forest. Deforestation usually brings about destruction of different plants species and this normally throws the ecosystem out of balance. The negative process can be reversed by mean of reforestation, in which new plants are planted in the place of the destroyed ones.