The p53 protein is known as the guardian of the genome because this protein prevents errors during DNA replication. It is a tumor suppressor gene.
<h3>Tumor suppressor genes </h3>
Tumor suppressor genes are genes that play fundamental cellular roles and prevent cell uncontrolled growth.
A tumor suppressor gene can repair errors that occurred during DNA replication, slow down the cycle of cell division, trigger programmed cell death, etc.
The p53 acts to control cell division and cell death, thereby avoiding the emergence of cancer cells.
Learn more about tumor suppressor genes here:
The good thing about a dam is that electricity can be created by mechanical means. That does not affect the atmosphere. Storing such production is a different matter.
The bad thing about a dam is that it wreaks havoc on the land where the water is stored behind the dam.
As you can see in the table presented below, all of the gametophytes have seeds do not form in an enclosed structure and <span>undergo alternation of generations (marked in purple)
The gingkos were widespread in the distant past, but are now presented with only one species with fan-like leaves, the Gingko Biloba. (green)
The gnetophytes have three genera with very different looking species. One of the most iconic ones being the Welwitschia mirabilis often called the wise man's beard. (blue)
The conifers include redwoods, like sequoias and all, have pines as leaves and produce cones. (brown)</span>
Active Transport
Active Transport is moving substances from lower concentration to a higher concentration.
The answer is; The slower the cooling the larger the crystals
Slow cooling allows the aqueous molecules of the compound to find a perfect geometry and grow into a large crystal. Fast cooling causes impurities to be incorporated into the growing lattice hence atagonizing the growing crystals.