They develop on the undersides of leaves.
Lack of light and animals affect the rate of photosynthesis
D, a net transfer of energy
It is true that r-related species have a short life span and an early reproduction cycle. R-related species also known as r-strategist have a short and simple life span. Due to their simple life span, their nutrient exchange rate with the environment is rapid. Unlike K-selected species, they have the ability to reproduce at a young age. They reproduce a large number of off-springs, but many of their off-springs tend to die before attainment of their reproductive age.
More nitrogen in the atmosphere leads to NITRIC ACID RAIN.
When nitrogenous fertilizers are used on the farm, some gases are released into the atmosphere including nitric oxide. These gases rises up into the atmosphere, mix with rainfall.
Nitric oxide react with rainfall to form nitric acid and it falls as acidic rain.