Dandelion seeds are dispersed by the wind It uses the warmth water and light to grow The structure of the flower when it sets seed allows the lightness of the seed and its sail to be dispersed in the wind. They are spread by the wind. When the flower matures from its usual yellow, the seeds, sporting tiny white 'parachutes' are blown about by the wind - often for considerable distances. Because it's a sperm wind, birds, and humans Yes it can. they reproduce by forming tiny cells that can grow into new plants, <span>which are called spores.</span><span>
A baby animal knows what to do after birth just from natural instinct. Human babies do not get taught how to breath or cry, they know to do so because they would die otherwise.
<span>Energy (2 ATP molecules)
- It is a process by which energy is generated
and additionally : </span><span>6 NADH + H+ molecules, two FADH2 molecules, four carbon dioxide molecules</span>
1. It can be use as source of energy and fuel.
2. It can be use to build body tissues and bones.
3. To fight pathogens or fight infections.
4. It can be use for bones development.
Biomass are Renewable source of organic matter that can be use for energy. These includes wood, seaweeds, crops and animal wastes. Biomass get it's source of energy from sunlight. All biomass contained stored energy from sun which is gotten from the process of photosynthesis where green plants uses carbondioxide and water with light energy to produce sugars. Animals get their energy from consuming sugars.
Biomass eaten by animals can be use in four ways.
. It can be use as source of energy and fuel.
2. It can be use to build body tissues and bones.
3. To fight pathogens or fight infections.
4. It can be use for bones development.
<span>Laryngotracheobronchitis or croup is a disease that caused by viral infection. The virus could be influenza or parainfluenza virus. The infection will cause edema of the trachea and might obstruct the airway, causing difficulty in breathing.
</span>In this case, nurse should take attention to the patient airway and breathing. Patient with dypneu should be given oxygen and racemic epinephrine nebulized. Corticosteroid also help to reduce the swelling such as dexamethasome or budesonide inhalation.