HPV has a huge link to cancer in those that are infected with it
B) assertive communication
H.E.L.P. This position, the Heat Escape Lessening Position, or H.E.L.P., aims to protect some of the areas of your body most prone to heat loss - the head, neck, sides of the chest cavity and the groin area. If you are wearing a life jacket, this position can be very effective.
P.E. can be hard on students. I personally get very sore after many of the workouts the school has us do as well as many students. Out of school we often don't exercise because we know we will have to do it at school and because we are already sore we have no motivation or want to exercise. As for dietary practices many schools have been pushing for healthier food options which has its pros and cons. Believe it or not but healthier food options are more expensive for schools so instead of paying more the school pays the same amount for less food which cuts the portions of the students leaving them still hungry. It can be bad for the body not being able to eat when its hungry so it also leaves students hungry and tired which can affect their grades.