English Puritans founded the colony of Plymouth to practice their own brand of Protestantism without interference. New England society was characterized by equality under the law for white male citizens (as demonstrated by the Mayflower Compact), a disciplined work ethic, and a strong maritime economy.
Hope I helped you
That question is unanswerable unless you have a religion that believes God created the first man.
They invented the standered mesurments of weight because they had to weigh the crops and they had to conduct trade.
It is important for supreme court having it's own independent building to separate them from the influence of Executive and legislative branches.
By separating them, Justices will be kept away from lobbyist who influence their judgement.
hope this helps
The 2003 invasion of Iraq was the first stage of the Iraq War. The invasion began on March 19th / March 20th of 2003, and lasted just over a month, including 26 days of major combat operations, which a combined force of troops from the US, the UK, Australia and Poland invaded Iraq. The early stage of the war formally ended on May 1st of 2003, when President Bush declared the "End of Major Combat Operations" after which the CPA (Coalition Provisional Authority) was established as the first of several transitional governments leading up the first Iraqi parliamentary election in January of 2005, though US military forces remained in Iraq until 2011.
Hope this helps
Have a nice day((: