USA did make many bombing campaigns against North Vietnam, which only alienated the population but could not degrade the fighting force of the Vietcong. ... Support of China /USSR: One of the most crucial reasons for the defeat of the USA was the unflinching support of China and the Soviet Union to the North Vietnam.
Destroyed many cities and most fields in France due to the extreme artillery
Slavery is not an institution that developed itself. Many people used the Bible as their justification of slavery. In the book of Genesis, chapter 9, Noah's youngest son Ham saw the nakedness of his father and had him covered, by his brothers. Noah then cursed Ham to be a servant to his brothers forever, Genesis 9:25-26 "Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers". This is known to be the first act of slavery; which people argue is sanctioned by God. Many interpret Ham's curse as placed upon people of darker skin color, Africans more specifically. The argument is that since Ham's descendants were to be slaves forever and Africans were already slaves and inferior then they should remain in slavery.
A "common theme" of "romantic artwork" during the period of "westward expansion" was "nature". Several artists, musicians, etc started using nature as a part of the pieces that they were creating.
the longest one in history