I work for justice by standing up against bullies and being a peacemaker when things get heated between people. I try to make it so that we can all live in harmony and realize that we are all children of God and should love each other as He loved us. (Sorry if this isn't Catholic enough I'm a Christian personally but I tried I promise)
Jerome’s two main modes of humor are satire and observational humor. Satire is a mode of writing the uses irony to criticize society. It is often humorous, but does not necessarily have to be. Although some satirical novels are very dark, Jerome’s lighthearted satire is mostly concerned with illustrating and gently mocking the pretensions and hypocrisies of certain social conventions.
Observational humor sometimes overlaps with satire, especially in this case. It is a type of humor that draws its subject matter from human behavior and daily life, attempting to show the absurdity of human behavior by focusing of everyday, banal details. One example of observational humor is Jerome’s discussion of people who claim never to get seasick. The digression is meant to illustrate how most people present themselves as one type of person, in a way that's almost expected, even if they are all quite different.
In fact, the frequent use of this type of humor does provide a fairly consistent absurdist worldview. Most of Jerome's irony suggests that people are usually unaware of the extent to which they delude themselves. For instance, J.'s tone reveals that he clearly understands that he does not suffer from so many diseases, and yet he continues to progress as though it were true. Throughout the novel, Jerome revels in illustrating the illusions that men and women construct, usually fooling themselves most of all. Even though the novel remains rooted in everyday concerns, Jerome sees a regular absurdist vein that runs throughout them.
Sojourner Truth means that her speech also covers the rights for women and it reflects the argument that the fight for equal rights was not for colored men alone, but for colored women too.
Though, Sojourner truth was happy with the equal rights for all American citizens, she was unhappy that this right was not extended to women as well.
In her opinion, slavery was only partly destroyed and not fully eradicated. It could be fully eradicated, if equal rights are given to women too. If women are not given their rights, slavery will continue to exist in the form of men ruling over the women.
She felt that white women got more privileges than colored women and were more smarter. Whereas, the colored women had to do all the hard work, earn money only to be taken away by the men folk.
She wanted the colored women to be financially independent and given equal respect.
According to the view of Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget, younger children base their moral judgments more on consequences, whereas older children base their judgments more on intentions.
Piaget realized that the ideas children have concerning rules, moral judgments, and punishment were not static, but variated depending on their age. To be clearer, according to Piaget, there were stages for both their cognitive and moral development. Younger children have different moral judgments than older children.