I switched both sides of the equation in the very beginning so it would be easier to solve.
You already have the answer in the question
When conducting an analysis of variance analysis on a set of samples and the null hypothesis is rejected, we can test for the difference between treatment can be tested with the aid of a t-test. This is employed when 2 related groups are involved. Independent sample, paired sample or one-sample t-test can be conducted.
Step-by-step explanation:
A t-test is a test statistic used to make inferences that determine the differences that exist statistically between 2 related groups. It tells us if the 2 groups tested are from the same population. There are 3 types of t-test namely independent sample t-test, paired-sample t-test and one-sample t-test
Well I don't know.
Let's think about it:
-- There are 6 possibilities for each role.
So 36 possibilities for 2 rolls.
Doesn't take us anywhere.
New direction:
-- If the first roll is odd, then you need another odd on the second one.
-- If the first roll is even, then you need another even on the second one.
This may be the key, right here !
-- The die has 3 odds and 3 evens.
-- Probability of an odd followed by another odd = (1/2) x (1/2) = 1/4
-- Probability of an even followed by another even = (1/2) x (1/2) = 1/4
I'm sure this is it. I'm a little shaky on how to combine those 2 probs.
Ah hah !
Try this:
Probability of either 1 sequence or the other one is (1/4) + (1/4) = 1/2 .
That means ... Regardless of what the first roll is, the probability of
the second roll matching it in oddness or evenness is 1/2 .
So the probability of 2 rolls that sum to an even number is 1/2 = 50% .
Is this reasonable, or sleazy ?
Step-by-step explanation:
shown in the image. hope it helps :)