Athletes - Legacy students.
What is analyzed in this study are the preferences for different types of applicant exercised by elite universities. As the study gathered, athletes are four times more likely that other students to gain admission whereas legacy students were just three times more likely to be admitted.
The result of the study described how elite universities gave added weight in admission decisions to applicants who have high SAT scores (above 1500), are African American, or are recruited athletes. There was also preference to Hispanic students as well as children of former students. It explains how those elite colleges extend preferences to many types of students and how this is controversial.
Creating trade Agreements I hope this helps you out
The term raw material denotes materials in unprocessed or minimally processed states; e.g., raw latex, crude oil, cotton, coal, raw biomass, iron ore, air, logs, water, or "any product of agriculture, forestry, fishing or mineral in its natural form or which has undergone the transformation required to prepare
The dead animal carcass's and the human ashes and body/bones cause the river to be polluted. CAUSES BAD POLLUTION
Answer 1.
Payday loans are cash loans that are often used when someone needs the money immediately. The borrower leaves a check with the amount of the loan plus an <u>extremely high fee</u><u>,</u> when the borrower is ready to pay, the lender uses the check.
<em>Some states have banned payday loans as a measure to stop the abuse of high fees to borrowers, and to stop the cycle of borrowing. </em>
Answer 2.
The average interest rate on a payday loan is 391% when you can repay the loan in two weeks, after that the rate grows to an average of 521%. From every $100 borrowed there is an interest fee of $15 or $20.
Answer 3.
A loan shark is a lender that charges interests above the established legal rates, they often act in an illegal way and take advantage of the people's desperate need to get money. A loan shark has cruel ways of getting their money back they often use violence and harassment to get paid.
Famous Shark Loans:
Some examples of famous loan sharks are Sam Battaglia, Jimmy Caci, Fiore Buccieri and Anthony Salerno.