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Customer contact
In business, customer contact can be seen as the physical presence of a customer in a service system.
There are high customer contact services and low customer contact services.
Services with high customer contact include those that there is need for the business to have the physical presence of the customer around the service premises to function better. they include:
Health centers, public transportation, fitness centers, schools and restaurants
Services with low customer contact include those that there is no need for the business to have the physical presence of the customer around the service premises to function better. they include:
Chemical plants, manufacturing companies.
1. Economic Union
2. Autonomous and Sovereign country
The Euro was established on January the 1st in 1999. Its purpose was to unite the countries of the Eastern and Western Europe. But not only that, it's main purpose was to help economically all the countries of the European Union; by having a same monetary system, the economy would flourish and build from it, making each country as strong as everyone else. Besides, all countries within the European Union would be autonomous and the would dictate their own rules; in other words, they would remain sovereign, without having anyone making decisions from the outside.
As a cause of the War of 1812, the impressment and ship seizures caused serious diplomatic tension, and helped turn to American public opinion against Britain.
Impressment was widely perceived as humiliating and dishonoring the U.S. because it was unable to protect it's ships and sailors.