missions, presidios, and pueblos
They are personal freedoms guarantees and freedoms that the government cannot abridge, either by law or by juditial interpretation,whithout due process
A.became immoral or unjust
The mechanical reaper
He invented the mechanical reaper to do the harvest in fields.
His invention seems rudimentary today compared to the huge machines currently own by large farming companies, but that started it call and allowed to ease the burden of the harvest.
It also provided an alternative to slaves harvesting the fields in many situations.
California’s Central Valley
The Excerpt explained the disaster caused by the Dust Bowl, in which many people migrated from their homes and farms in and around places like Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, Colorado, and New Mexico.
It was recorded that about 3.5million people migrated from the aforementioned areas, and majority of them, moved to the California Central Valley, with about 86,000 people reported to have relocated to California in the first year after the Dust bowl.
And based on statistics of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, it was recorded that about 116,000 families eventually arrived in California in the 1930s.
Hence, the most affected by the migration spawned by the environmental disaster highlighted in the passage is California’s Central Valley.