The most significant change in the late 18th and early 20th centuries is POLITICS.
This is evident in the major events that occurred and shook or change the world during this period.
For example, the French Revolution of 1789, affected Europe as monarchical and aristocracy style of government were challenged. The effects also reached the American colony, particularly the South and Central America.
Similarly, World War 1 in 1914, changed the course of action in the 20th century, as nations formed alliances, enemies, change style of government, and many more.
not being able to bring home the Iranian hostages
President Jimmy Carter held the presidency during the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979. The crisis started after a group of militarized College students who supported Iranian revolutions attacked the United States embassy in that located in Tehran and took 52 hostages.
The crisis lasted for 2 years and wasn't solved by the Time Carter's presidency ended. The crisis ended after Ronald Reagan took the presidency in 1981 and signed the Algiers Accords,
T<span>he Crusades were religious wars between Muslims and Christians over the Holy Land Of Jerusalem. </span><span> It important to European society because they wanted to spread Christianity. </span>
This religion had its growth interrupted in India, with the advancement of Islam and the formation of the Great Arab Empire. Wich has had a strong influence in chinese artistic manifestations, such literature, pinture and esculpture. In Rome, its its significant growth in the IV CENTURY, christianity was considered the official religion of the roman empire.
In Buddhism, its philosophy is based on the existence of being this related to pain, and to overcome pain, man has five paths: correct understanding, correct thinking, word, action, way of life, effort, attention and meditation.
In Christianity, today considered the religion with the greatest number of supporters in the world, through Christ, his Savior, who rose to the third day, promises salvation and life after death to all those who obey and follow his commandments.