False. I think it will be smaller, we are ruining this world with global warming, fossil fuels and etc. New diseases like Zika, are starting, less cures, and some might become deadly.
I guess no because every where in earth there are different geologic column
Roads can vary in elevation, since a road is essentially any path to walk on.
Hills have varying elevations - they are higher at certain points.
Rivers can flow downhill and aren't always at equal elevation.
Contour lines on a topographical map connect points of equal elevation. If you were to follow a contour line while walking, the elevation would remain constant.
Igneous rocks form from magmas, and most magmas are associated with plate tectonics. Mafic (basaltic) and ultramafic magmas form along the divergent midoceanic ridges and are major components of new oceanic crust. More felsic magmas, such as andesites and rhyolites, are associated with the edges of continental crust at subduction zones along converging plate boundaries. Whether a magma is intermediate or felsic may depend on the relative amounts of oceanic crust and continental crust in the subduction zone that melt to form the magma. The great abundance of granitic intrusions in continental crust is thought to be related to the partial melting of the lower continental crust.
Intraplate igneous activity occurs in the interior of a single continental plate and is thought to be related to mantle plumes (such as the eruptions at Yellowstone National Park) or flood basalts. Intraplate activity is not associated with moving plate boundaries such as subduction zones.
Judaism is mostly found in the USA and Israel, and in a smaller scale in some of the European and South American countries, though there are in other countries around the world.
Judaism is one of the oldest religions in the world that has managed to survive in modern times. It is the first of the Abrahamic religions and it has been the basis for the formation of Christianity and Islam later in history. The followers of this religion have been the subject of persecution and genocide multiple times throughout history, which has led to stagnation of the number of followers or drop of it.
Nowadays, the USA has the biggest number of Jews, around 12 million, while Israel, the only Jewish dominated country, has around 6.5 million Jews. Only three other countries have over half a million Jews and those are France, Canada, and Russia. Other countries where there are Jewish communities that number more than 100,000 people are the West Bank, UK, Argentina, Germany, Ukraine, Brazil, Australia, and Hungary.