The universe is comprised of more than 75% of materials that are not visible and are often considered to be the dark matter. These are the baryonic matter that is formed due to the accumulation of protons, neutrons as well as electrons. They can be baryonic or non-baryonic type of matter. These dark matters are the substance that interconnects mostly by gravity along with some visible matter such as the stars and planets. These matters do not reflect light and they attract other matters, forming the major mass of the entire universe.
Wind-driven waves, or surface waves, are created by the friction between wind and surface water.
Rivers have three sections or courses: the upper course, middle course and lower course. The upper course of a river typically sees much erosion of bedrock in order to achieve the equilibrium mentioned above.
The upper course is also at the highest altitude as this is where the headwaters of the river originate. Rivers in the upper course erode down vertically which often creates a steep channel profile in what becomes the river valley.
The middle course sees a river at a slightly lower altitude than the upper course, but is still maintains a sense of trying to acquire equilibrium in flow and shape. The discharge and velocity of the river still allows the water to erode the banks and chart a course of least resistance through lateral erosion.
The lower course is unique as this is the stage in which a river has reached sea level. Here we find features not found in the middle and upper courses like floodplains and river deltas that have been formed by the sediment deposits of rocks and dirt gathered from upstream.
Stars are formed from massive clouds of dust and gas in space CALLED NEBULAE. Gravity pulls the dust and gas together to form a PROTOSTAR...much like a baby star!
These gases come together, and as they do, the temperature begins to increase...
The finished stars are formed when the OPTIMUM TEMPERATURE is released for the chemical reactions within to start!
OUR SUN'S COLOUR IS WHITE! (Although its actually all the colours mixed together)
Some people in Quebec want to separate from CANADA because their heritage and culture make them a minority.
Quebec Sovereignty Movement was a political movement for the independence of Quebec from Canada.
It was first started in 1960's. The main reason behind it was that people believed that English Canadian domination of the confederation was the cause for economic difficulties of Quebic. However, in late 20th century, economics conditions of Quebic started to improve, and the sole motivation left behind the movement was the difference of culture and heritage, which made them a minority.