Fables are like tales like the turtle and the hare. But a movie is soon to come out called Winnie the pooh that would be a fable.
I think its "Eliza planned to take the train to the fairgrounds on Thursday afternoon" and "Travis practiced pitching to the side of the house until his mom got mad"
I picked those two because of the definition of an infinitive
"the infinitive is a grammar term that refers to a basic verb form that often acts as a noun and is often preceded by the word "to" "to sing" is an example of infinitive"
I hope this helps sorry if im wrong ^-^
the or/er suffix form a noun, usually as the doer of a specific action.
One way to use slang and idioms in a story is to make characters feel more natural and funny. Unless a character is very formal, real people would not talk without slang or idioms.