Internal differences eventually led to the fall of Catholic Church, is disease that needs to be cured. This weakens our pillar because we were not united in our goal, preaching, believes, etc. For example, if one church believes in saints and others do not, it will create a chaos even among the members of the Catholic Church.
A salt dome formed spindle top hill
I ain't never seen two pretty best friends, Always one of them got to be ugly.
I ain't never visually perceived two pretty best friends, Always one of them got to be unsightly.
D. Rule by the citizens.
The citizens govern in the interest of the nation.
The citizen here are the middle class.
In the 16th century, the Catholic Church had a practice of selling indulgences. An indulgence was a payment to the church that paid for you to be exempted from certain sins. Sometimes they could pay for a loved one to spend less time in purgatory. Luthers thesis 82 was aimed at the Pope, asking why the Pope doesnt deliver ALL souls at the same time out of purgatory to relieve their misery. Is he only saving a few souls at a time so that he can get more money for the Catholic Church, thus exposing evil practices of the Catholic Church at that time.