They felt is was a threat that the french was trying to take over
The Mississippi River is the largest river in the United States, running essentially through the middle of the country. The Rocky Mountains are a tall mountain range running from Canada to the American Southwest through the states of Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, New Mexico, Idaho, and Arizona.
The bill of rights
because the first 10 amendment are on the bill 9f right. Also James Madison wrote the bill of rights.
A person who holds a hunter's license and a gun to shoot birds is exercising his or her rights under the second (b) amendment. Under this amendment American citizens have a right to gun ownership.
Rich garden soil is approximately 45 percent rocks and minerals, 5 percent organic matter and 25 percent each water and air. All soils have some mixture of the five basic components, and most soils may be amended to improve that composition so it will be more suitable for plant life.