"Song of Myself," as a long poem comprised of fifty-two shorter vignettes, was no exception to this belief. For example, in VI., "A Child Said, "What Is the Grass?"", Whitman describes, in so many words, that grass is a representation of the cycle of life and death. He claims that the.
A possessive pronoun can be used as a direct object and as an indirect object. It can never be used as an object of preposition. Take the following sentence for example: She gifted her daughter a car. Her is a possessive pronoun, and her daughter is the indirect object of the verb gifted. Another example: He ate his breakfast quickly. He is the possessive pronoun, and his breakfast is the direct object of the verb ate.
On any Aspire reading test, you will always be asked to read, recall, and draw conclusions.
Okay first off after is should be NOT and after on should be OUR