In another country takes place in Milan, Italy.
Start studying Madam and the Rent Man. Learn vocabulary ... sink is broken, water does not work, back window is cracked ... The landlord has not kept his promise to fix things that are broken. The rent ... To show how the people really speak. How do ... Hughes purpose for writing this poem was ... There are no line breaks.
The United States Congressman Steve King would most likely respond to this with a series of ignorant and blatantly stupid ideas that have no basis in history or fact.
How to Write a Short Story in 5 Steps
Pick the mood you want to evoke. This is the feeling or emotion you want to give to your readers, and what all the elements in your short story will work together to achieve. ...
Start with a strong opening. ...
Build your story, remembering that you only have a certain number of words.
Land the ending.
Edit, edit, edit.