12. for (i = 0 ; i < testGrades.length ; i+=1 ){
13. if (testGrades[i] > 100){
14. sumExtra = sumExtra + testGrades[i] - 100;}
15. }
We first iterate through the entire testGrades array. For each test score that is in testGrades ( that is testGrades[i] ), we see whether or not the test grade is above 100 (See line 12) . If test grade is greater than 100, this means we have extra credit. We simply subtract 100 from the test grade, add it with the previous value of sumExtra and store the value back in sumExtra(see line 14). Once i is greater than the length of the test grades, the loop is exited. We can now print sumExtra to obtain the result.
My best guess is you would have to use mediocre satellites that float over for internet connection.
The graph would have to be pointing completely down to be falling freely.
The answer has to be true because everything makes sense
Heyy I'm feeling sad and stressed. Wbu?