wagwan (Jamaican, MLE) Greeting equivalent to what's up or what's happening. Usage notes. It is used through out the Jamaican diaspora, including in hip-hop culture and by reggae music fans. The standard response is nagwan / nuttin nah gwaan (“ nothing is going on ”).
hope that helps
The scope for individual freedom seems to exist in kerr's description of
"industrial society" includes a large range of governmental activities is fully consistent with a larger freedom for the individual in greater leisure (such as the right to buy luxury items that we want), a greater range of choice in occupations (such as the right to follow only the career that related with our passion) and place of residency.
Adults in general
If a researcher finds that room color influences mood of the adults in a sample, then the researcher would like to conclude that room color affects the mood of <u>adults in general</u>. The study is specific to adults and as such the results of the study should be applied to adults. The sample which consist of adults is a representation of the general population of adults and hence the results should be applied to adults in general. But if for example, the sample was made up of children, then the result should be applied to children.
i think D but i could be wrong
try and tell me
The FBI only employed 48 African Americans out of a total of 13,649 and these 48 were nearly all chauffeurs. Kennedy did more than any president before him to have more African Americans appointed to federal government posts. In total, he appointed 40 to senior federal positions including five as federal judges.