The efficiency of the assembly line.
Since the assembly line was able to take care of things with ease, less labor was required to make these things. This meant that the workers did not need to be paid as much. And since not much effort was required to make the things, the cost could lower as time went on. On a side note, this is also why Ford's sales tripled; their things became much more affordable compared to how much they costed previously.
Gatekeeping is the process through which information is filtered for dissemination, whether for publication, broadcasting, the Internet, or some other mode of communication. so basically to decide what kind of stories will be covered.
D. The contrast in the geography of the two regions encouraged variations in lifestyles.
The south had more warmer and drier climate, which promoted the planting of crops, especially cash crops like tobacco and later cotton. The north, on the other hand, had a colder and wetter climate, which promoted more of fisheries, and planting of grains, which needed a cooler and more wetter environment.
C. 25.8%. Just read the question carefully and look at the diagram. It says it right there.
Ferried across the harbor with 2,400 redcoats