The feudal states were not contiguous but rather were scattered at strategic locations surrounded by potentially dangerous and hostile lands. The fortified city of the feudal lord was often the only area that he controlled directly; the state and the city were therefore identical, both being guo, a combination of city wall and weapons. Satellite cities were established at convenient distances from the main city in order to expand the territory under control. Each feudal state consisted of an alliance of the Zhou, the Shang, and the local population.
the tobacco plantation system required a multitude of workers in order to farm the extensive plots of land that tobacco was being farmed on. Families could not complete all this work on their own so they resorted to the cheap labor provided by slaves and indentured servants.
Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia; do by these presents, solemnly and mutually in the Presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together ...
Answer: A nonprofit organization that is tax-exempt appears similar to a cooperative that operates on “not-for-profit” basis and doesn't pay taxes on some of its earnings. Both nonprofits and cooperatives can have members and use member-based governance.
The Americanization movement was a nationwide organized effort in the 1910s to bring millions of recent inmigrants into the American cultural system