A ballerina can dance elegantly. Fortunately, giraffes have lemons on stones. Tomorrow, umbrellas vex watermelons.
I seriously wrote down the first word that came to mind....and BOOM. This is what happened lol. It sounds like some messed up news announcement Imao.
I hope this was something you were looking for, and it helped in some sort of way lol.
Because the reason he wants Caesar dead is that he resents how popular and god-like he has become
The conspiracy to murder Caesar was done by different people who had to unite to see their goal accomplished. Cassius wanted Caesar dead because of a different and less honorable reason from the others because while the others wanted Caesar dead because they were worried Caesar could become a dictator and harsh to the Roman people, Cassius wanted Caesar dead because he was jealous of his popularity.
Dog owners normally have a stronger immune system, helping them to stay well and spend less time getting over sicknesses and diseases. Nothing beats a long walk with your four-legged friend on a fresh, spring morning. Or seeing the joy on their faces when you pick up a ball and they know it’s playtime in the local park! Even relaxing at home feels better in each other’s company.One of the unexpected benefits of dogs is the way they add to your social life. Going to obedience classes, saying ‘hello’ to other dog walkers when you go to the park with your canine companion – there are dozens of ways in which your dog makes you more sociable.
Your new puppy will get you out and about, trying things you never considered before and introducing you to new experiences. Whether you’re going to a new pet shop or exploring a new area to make your dog’s daily walk more interesting, you’re bound to see new people all the time. You’re unlikely to stop for a chat with a stranger when you’re walking by yourself, but we all know how easy it is to talk when our dogs want to make friends. And, no matter how different we are, we have something in common – our highly sociable, friendly dogs!One of the most fascinating benefits of dogs is their amazing ability to make us feel calm - and that has a brilliant effect on our health.
Hope this is good enough...
_____________ ( your address)
Date: _________________ ( Date of which letter is written)
_____________ ( address of the person the letter is addressed to)
Subject: Apology
Dear _____________(name of the rcecipient),
I am writing this letter to accept my rude behavior with you yesterday. I know that I have hurt your feelings and caused stressful moments. I thought that writing to you will relieve my guilt and it is the best way to seek forgiveness from you.
You were explaining the importance of discipline when I lost my temper and shouted at you, saying that I know what to do. You were offended and left my room in despair. I immediately realised my mistake but did not have the courage to come and face you. In this letter, I request you to excuse me and give me a chance to improve my behaviour. I promise that I shall not repeat this incident.
Hoping to hear from you,
Yours lovingly,
(Name & Signature.)