Advertise to create a stronger loyalty to their goods.
Congress created the Continental Army on June 14, 1775, and John Adams nominated George Washington to serve as the army's Commander-in- Chief. While there were over 230 skirmishes and battles fought during the American Revolution, below are the battles General Washington was present for.
The closest answer was D. It wasn't a draw. The colonists had lost but, the British then realized that they could stand their ground because of the heavy losses the British had taken
Trump (does not support as much) Biden does support it
<em>Trump- </em>
Cuts taxes and provides leeway to the major companies to treat their employees however they want. An example of this is seen in Amazon where the people aren't allowed to unionize, have little to no healthcare insurance and are easily replaceable.
<em>Biden- </em>
Tax higher after $400k and target the larger companies while providing more options for people to be insured.
President Theodore Roosevelt's commitment to the proverb, "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far," was most clearly shown when he (2) intervened in Latin American affairs. Roosevelt was largely involved with the affairs of Venezuela, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia and Cuba. Although he wasn't as aggressive as other presidents had been, he left on the table that he would protect the United States as best as he could if anything should happen.