Because they helped spread Islam
Most of the wali were also called raden during their lifetimes, because they were members of royal houses.
In order to advocate for children and families, the nurse must first acknowledge that the basic system in which health behavior and care are organized, secured, and performed is the family.
Behavior is how someone behaves. It's what people do to make a difference, change something, or maintain the status quo. Behavior is a reaction to what happens: inside - thoughts and feelings. External - the environment, including other people.
After definition. "Behavior can be defined as a person's behavior or reaction in response to external or internal stimulus situations." To understand human behavior, we understand what that person does when something happens is needed.
Learn more about behavior
The correct answer is D. The Antarctic Treaty set Antarctica aside for scientific research.
The Antarctic Treaty was signed on December 1, 1959 in Washington and became effective on June 23, 1961.
Through it, a normative framework was provided in relation to: the peaceful use of Antarctica; cooperation for scientific research; information exchange; the inspection regime for activities carried out in the Antarctic; the status quo of the territorial claims of seven of the signatory countries; and norms and conventions for the conservation of resources and the environment.
The Treaty designates Antarctica as a region of peace and cooperation, also addressing issues related to claims of sovereignty. It establishes that: "in the interest of all humanity, Antarctica will continue to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes and will not become the scene or object of international discord".
The Treaty was signed by Argentina, New Zealand, Australia, Norway, Belgium, South Africa, Russia, Chile, France, Great Britain, Japan and the United States.
Deccan Plateau, a pre-cambrian shield, is partially covered by the Deccan Traps, a large igneous province. The northwestern part of the plateau is made up of lava flows or igneous rocks known as the Deccan Traps. The rocks are spread over the whole of Maharashtra and parts of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, thereby making it one of the largest volcanic provinces in the world. It consists of more than 2,000 metres (6,600 ft) of flat-lying basalt lava flows and covers an area of nearly 500,000 square kilometres (190,000 sq mi) in west-central India. Estimates of the original area covered by the lava flows are as high as 1,500,000 square kilometres (580,000 sq mi). The volume of basalt is estimated to be 511,000 cubic km. The thick dark soil (called silt) found here is suitable for cotton cultivation.