There is multiple examples, but the one that stands out the most is “”Only if you give me your chain,” the eagle responded”
Eagles cannot talk therefore it is personification.
It’s to inform I’m doing the the same story
Loving God,
you are merciful and forgiving.
Grant that those who are suffering the hurts of the past
may experience your generous love.
Heal their memories, comfort them,
and send them all from here
renewed and hopeful;
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
In Dear Martin, Nic Stone demonstrates how beneficial it is for people facing discrimination to have supportive relationships. Searching for guidance, Justyce addresses his diary entries to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., wanting to fortify himself against the hatred and insensitivity all around him by emulating Dr. King. Unfortunately, though, this proves quite difficult, since the deceased Dr. King can’t respond to his entries. As a result, Justyce seeks out real-life allies like his Societal Evolution teacher, Doc, and his debate partner, SJ. However, their support doesn’t always suffice, most likely because he has trouble fully relating to them, since Doc is a middle-aged man with a PhD and SJ is white. Feeling
But while it is true the Internet has made it easier for students to plagiarize, it's easy to forget that the Web is not as new of a technology as many seem to think. On the other hand, it's made plagiarism much easier to detect and prevent, creating tools to both catch mistakes and stop those who are acting in bad faith.