If im correct to me "stay positive" means to have a happy optimistic and overall good attitude to whatever or whoever it may be refering too. "Keep going" in this sentence just means to continue to proceed forward or carry on.
Post-modernism was a movement in the late 20th century that was known for subjectivism, skepticism, suspicion of reason and huge sensitivity to ideological roles in a bid to maintain economic and political power. While some women veil themselves for religious reasons, other do so just to show themselves amidst anti-Muslim sentiments. These subjective meaning to different ideologies is a characteristics of post-modernism.
not sure if you just needed one item discussed, just in case i did both. If not just turn both in and get extra credit (:
1.Tensions built between Spain and England over the course of Elizabeth I's reign. Religious differences: Philip II of Spain wanted England, along with all Protestant countries, to return to the Roman Catholic faith
2.The Spanish Armada was a Spanish fleet of 130 ships that sailed from La Coruña in August 1588, under the command of the Duke of Medina Sidonia with the purpose of escorting an army from Flanders to invade England.
Thank you for posting to Brainly, have a great day!