The cities of the world are concentric, isomorphic, synchronic. Only one exists and you are always in the same one. It's the effect of their permanent revolution, their intense circulation, their instantaneous magnetism.
Plasticity or brain plasticity refers to the brain's capacity to change throughout life. It is centered around the notion that many aspects in a person's brain can suffer alterations even through adulthood. Basically it defies the idea that we are "hard-wired" as humans. Learning is appointed as a main contributor to the increase of brain plasticity, this is largely due to the brain's capacity to form new connections (synapses) between neurons (brain cells) when presented with new scenarios, it is consistently reorganizing itself, creating and pruning (removing) synapses.
Paper was also the ideal recording medium for a logocentric culture. Words, particularly the words of the Koran, were central to Islam.