The J*ulian calendar year is exactly 365.25 days.
The Gregorian calendar year is exactly 365.2425 days.
There was 0.94 minutes difference between the two but it withholds a major impact in the long run. The mistake meant that in every 131 years J*ulian's calendar skipped out on almost one day. After several years, the Roman calendar became unreliable for the Christians to measure precise seasons and the most significant day, the Easter. if we talk about the current time, the Roman calendar is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar.
<span>D) improved diet in the Americas and Europe
The good choice is:
c. John Locke’s idea that all men had natural rights.
Angelina Grimké was a fervent anti-abolitionist and a deeply religious person. In their writings ,she and sister Sarah questioned Bible arguments used by Southern pastors in some Evangelical churches to justify slavery of black people.
Western women, who were perceived as aggressive and shameless.
The correct answer is educate their sons