It would be like the government that is in the USA, it can't be a direct democracy as that would mean everyone votes on everything. Not only is it not efficient but also the general population often does not possess enough knowledge. That's why we have electoral college votes in USA because the people are not trusted.
Richmond was the capital at the time, which is in Virginia.
It was stock market "speculation" that contributed the most to the Depression of 1920-21, since the value of many companies became incredibly inflated--leading to a "bubble" that eventually burst in 1929.
B. A Shift Outward in the Production Possibilities Curve of the US
Entry of women into the workforce certainly added value to the economy since it created a shift outward in the production possibilities curve of the United States. In case of production possibilities curve shifts outward, there is a good sign that output is increasing while when the curve shifts inward, we can be sure that output is decreasing.
Japan is surrounded by water which gives good access to boats to import and export goods