magine a social or personal change that hasn’t happened yet, but you would like to see the change happen in the future. The change can be something that you want to happen in your life or that you'd like to see happen in society. Is it a change that you think you could actively pursue, or do you think you would be more of a bystander?
Answer: fascinated
He had his full attention, he was focused on him and only him
C) by providing statistics to support data on solar boxes
The heritage and history of the main characters' history and family.
They are passed down from generation to generation and made of clothing and other very personal pieces of fabric from generations before. They represent their lineage and heritage as many of the pieces of cloth exited slavery with their ancestors. They are a story of their struggles and who they are as a family.
I think television is an important one. Or maybe the internet. Both are important ways people can know what the current events are.