Answer: Blood begins pumping more intensely due to the raise in adrenaline
Capitalize the first word of the sentence
Use italics for the title of the book
Capitalize ppls names and titles used with their names
Use a period
Capitalize the languages
Use a comma after the title
The quoted line is from the poem of ‘Persephone the Greek
Goddess of Spring’ by Ingrid Jonker. The line ‘your eyes dried seeds, your body
a husk of light’ means that—in your eyes dried seeds, it is trying to point out
the daughter of Persephone, in which it symbolizes the way of her daughter
going back to the underground while her mother didn’t even paid attention to
the nature, in which she should. Your body a husk of light is trying to point
out the last time Persephone saw her daughter.
you didn't tell us the simile
The correct answer is: Willingness to defend the country.
On this excerpt, Roosevelt says that Americans need to embrace their patriotism and put it ahead of their pocketbooks, paying a greater amount of money in taxes in order to pay for a defense program, which ultimately means that they will be defending the country if they support this taxation.