-gave birth to a genuinely GLOBAL network of exchange
-provided first direct & sustained link between asia & americas
-it was especially important in china, who at the time decided to collect taxes in the form of silver. Since the demand for silver went up, the supply of chinese goods like silk and porcelain was more available to the europeans than ever before because they were the ones who had the silver
- the spanish silver coin was used on 4 continents
- the demand for silver also encouraged the formation of land mines, where people were brutally worked and were exposed to horrific conditions, but it was ok because they were producing silver for the europeans!
-enriched the spanish crown and made it very,very rich.
-the silver trade also indirectly led to the 10th century industrial rev. in Japan. the shoguns used silver-generated profits to unify the country, ally with their merchant class, invest in agriculture and industrial enterprise, which led to saving their forests, having less children, which later on led to the easing of an impending ecological crisis, and a highly commercialized economy
- It also indirectly allowed China to become more economically specialized. since people had to find a way to obtain silver to pay their taxes, they had to provide a wider variety of goods for the market that people would want.
Attack on Pearl Harbor was the main event that caused the US to support the war. If you are talking about WWII
Pharaoh’s Unusual Feminine Appearance Suggests Two Gene Defects. The feminine features and elongated head of ancient Egypt’s King Akhenaten may be attributed to two genetic defects called aromatose excess syndrome and craniosynostosis, said Yale School of Medicine dermatology professor Irwin Braverman, M.D. Because no mummy of Akhenaten exists, Braverman used only artwork of the …
Because it helped the colonies stop being colonies, and it is so important for this moment lived in American history.
His success was such that he was able to build printers in another of the 13 American colonies and amassed a great fortune, which allowed him to retire from business (1752), devoting himself entirely to politics and scientific research. He was a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly (1751-1764). He set up a fire department in Philadelphia, founded the first circulation library in the United States, and an academy that later became the University of Pennsylvania. He organized a reading and discussion club, which gave birth to the American Society of Philosophy, and helped found the state hospital.