It is a runtime error thart occurs when <span>the javascript interpreter encounters a problem while a program is executing.</span>
INPUT "Enter your marks in computer"<u><em>;</em></u>CS
<u><em>IF</em></u> C>40 THEN
PRINT "You are passed.
PRINT "You are failed."
END <u><em>IF</em></u>
see corrections above.
12. for (i = 0 ; i < testGrades.length ; i+=1 ){
13. if (testGrades[i] > 100){
14. sumExtra = sumExtra + testGrades[i] - 100;}
15. }
We first iterate through the entire testGrades array. For each test score that is in testGrades ( that is testGrades[i] ), we see whether or not the test grade is above 100 (See line 12) . If test grade is greater than 100, this means we have extra credit. We simply subtract 100 from the test grade, add it with the previous value of sumExtra and store the value back in sumExtra(see line 14). Once i is greater than the length of the test grades, the loop is exited. We can now print sumExtra to obtain the result.
When was the Ming dynasty established?
the 1100s CE
the 1200s CE
the 1300s CE
the 1400s CE
The answer is the title bar becuase it would tell the name of the project or something else such as when you are using Words then it would tell you the name of the title of the document you are doing.