I can't just do your project but use this as a head start.
public class TableOfBases
public static void main(String[] args)
// print out "Decimal Binary Octal Hex Character";
// write a for loop from 65 to 90
for (int i ... ) {
// get a string for integer i with base 2
String binary = Integer.toString (i,2);
// get a string for integer i with base 8
String octal = Integer.toString( ... );
// get a string for integer i with base 16
String hex = ...
// get a char for a chararater that has ASCII code i
char ch = (char) i ;
// print out binary, octal and hex, and ch
Project... Basically Speaking
Create a project called TableOfBases with class Tester.
The main method should have a for loop that cycles through the integer values
65 <= j <= 90 (These are the ASCII codes for characters A – Z).
Use the methods learned in this lesson to produce a line of this table on each pass
through the loop. Display the equivalent of the decimal number in the various bases
just learned (binary, octal, and hex) as well as the character itself:
Decimal Binary Octal Hex Character
65 1000001 101 41 A
66 1000010 102 42 B
67 1000011 103 43 C
68 1000100 104 44 D
69 1000101 105 45 E
70 1000110 106 46 F
71 1000111 107 47 G 72 1001000 110 48 H 73 1001001 111 49 I 74 1001010 112 4a J 75 1001011 113 4b K 76 1001100 114 4c L 77 1001101 115 4d M 78 1001110 116 4e N 79 1001111 117 4f O 80 1010000 120 50 P 81 1010001 121 51 Q 82 1010010 122 52 R 83 1010011 123 53 S 84 1010100 124 54 T 85 1010101 125 55 U 86 1010110 126 56 V 87 1010111 127 57 W 88 1011000 130 58 X 89 1011001 131 59 Y 90 1011010 132 5a Z