they compare fossils to other fossils to see if skeleton changes are observed in a species over time it indicates that there is genetic change going on within the species
These are all part of the head or skull. The cavities of the
skull surround and protect the brain and sensory organs. There are five kinds
of cavities of the skull which are:
nasal cavity (paranasal sinuses is included here) - The
nasal septum split the respiratory system into two lateral halves, the nasal
cavity is also part of the respiratory system.
<span>cranial cavity - The large cranial cavity is split
into a posterior cranial fossa and an anterior cranial
fossa, a middle cranial fossa. Its function is to support the
oral cavity - The oral, or buccal, cavity (commonly called
the mouth) is a cavity of the head rather than a cavity of the skull because of
its fleshy and muscular floor.
orbital cavity - supports and defends an eyeball and its linked
muscle, vessels, and nerves.
<span>middle ear cavity - From outer to inner, three small bones-malleus,
incus, and stapes are situated within the middle-ear cavities in the
petrous part of the temporal bones.</span>
Peregrine falcons have a wide diet, including many types of smaller birds. These birds eat bugs like grasshoppers. So, if the grasshopper population decreases, then the birds who are a food source to peregrine falcons will also have a lower population. This means that there is a lesser amount of food for the peregrine falcons to eat, so their population will decrease as well.
Good luck with your problems!
An adaptation is a trait an animal has, physical or behavioral, that helps it survive or act in unique ways.