- The ladder positioned to enter the nursery window of the Lindbergh residence.
- Wood from Hauptmann´s attic floor matching the wood from the ladder.
- Photos of $10 gold certificates identified as Lindbergh ransom money which were used by Hauptmann in a gas station.
- The ransom notes compared to samples of Hauptmann handwriting, showing the same grammatical errors in both samples.
- The phone number and address of Dr. Condon, who delivered the ransom money, were written on Hauptmann´s closet.
Many still believe that the evidence provided was merely circumstantial, meaning Hauptmann could be innocent.
The correct answer is taking the currency off the gold standard
In the fields, many impoverished peasants began to migrate to the cities in search of better living conditions. From 1873 to 1896, the capitalist system experienced its first major crisis, called the Great Depression.
The Great Capitalist Depression, in the 19th century, was configured as a crisis due to the evolution of the capitalist system. This crisis generated a mismatch between the overproduction of goods in industries and a population of workers without purchasing power to consume these goods (due to the increase in unemployment among workers and the reduction in their wages).
Due to the Great Capitalist Depression in the 19th century, there were two main consequences for the economy of industrialized countries: the first was the bankruptcy of small and medium-sized companies and the concentration of capital in the hands of a few industrial capitalists. The second consequence of the depression was the search for external consumer markets, that is, outside Europe, in non-industrialized continents, such as Asia and Africa.
This fact initiated European Neocolonialism, that is, the sharing of the Asian and African continent by the great industrial powers in the 19th century. It was the beginning of capitalist exploitation, the plundering of workers and the world's environmental resources.
Answer: The 2nd choice
Overlapping claims by the French, the British, and the Spanish created fierce competition between the three European nations.
The impact of modern conservatism has been profound: for example, ... thanks to conservative initiativeslike welfare reform; and, in the wake of 9/11, ... by persistent bouts of malaria, he reluctantly came home to the United States. ... They were nurtured in Rome, by the Roman experience of law and social awareness.