Organic matters are generally carbon compounds. Therefore, the organic molecules contain carbon. The main reason of the presence of carbon in the organic molecules is the catenation property of carbon.
In medusae, mesoglea comprises the bulk of the animal and forms a resilient skeleton. In polyps, the water-filled coelenteron acts as a hydrostatic skeleton, which, in concert with the mesoglea, maintains the form of these animals. Muscles in cnidarians are extensions of the bases of ectodermal and endodermal cells.
Answer: Adrenergic drugs are used both in the emergency treatment of Myocardial infarction, Asthma attack and Anaphylaxis T/F.
Andrenergic drugs acts by blocking renin release,and interfers with synthesis and release of Nor-epinephrine (Nor-adrenaline) thereby helping to reduce the peripheral vascular resistance and lowering the blood pressure.example; Methyldopa.
As a bronchodilator in asthma attack, Adrenergic drugs relax bronchial muscle spasm then dilate the bronchial trees thereby allowing proper ventilation of the lungs example: Aminophylline
Adrenergic drugs like epinephrine are used in anaphylaxis/ allergic reactions as well as hypersensitivity reactions to inhibit the action of histamines and as such relieve allergic reactions.
Since the number before the tens place is 1, that means you will round the number down instead of up so your answer is :